5 1/4 tall
2 3/4 wide
Cup 1/16
Stem just under 3/8
Wood is alder, finish Danish Oil.
Looking for honest opinions from you who have done goblets. This is my first one and I want to do some more, but better. I know what I would like to do better next time but will save my thoughts until I hear your's. Thanks for the help.
This one is fine. as matter of fact very very lovely and well executed. Now Underdog would call `` Evolution`` gradual transition between the stern and the cup, the sten little bit bigger with decorative turning and/or a decorative/pratical hump to prevent fingers to slip. U could additionnal inspiration in a search on the net ie.: (glass goblet) here some exemple ex.:http://foodservice.chef2chef.net/restaurant-supplies-equipment/bar-supplies/Goblet_Glasses/index.htm
Rev, I agree with Larry. Although this one is pleasing to look at a little less "straightness" in the stem would make it better in my opinion. Take a look at the Cedar Flower in my gallery and it may give you an idea of what I mean. It is not a goblet and the curve is exagerated becaust it is 12" tall, but perhaps it will help.
Looks good Rev. It follows the base set of rules for a goblet. The thin walls of the cup are nice and the stem is of a good functional thickness. As others have mentioned, a bit more visual interest in the stem would be a bonus like a series of beads or a bird's beak or two. This is also a good way to break up a long straight stem. On thin stem goblets where a gradual curve is not possible, I use beads to draw the attention away from the straightness of the stem.
Thanks guys. Your comments are much appreciated. I wish the picture was a little clearer. Then you might be able to see that the stem is not straight, but ever so slightly thicker at top and bottom, with the thin point about 2/3s up.
My thoughts: a bit more definition in the detail at the bottom of the cup, more alikeness in the raised portion at the ends of the stem going into the base and the cup, the finish could be a lot better as well.
Took this thing over to mother and dad's to let them see it. Wouldn't you know it, a huge wind gust came through just as I was taking it back to the car and blew it out of the bowl it was laying in. Landed on the gravel drive and broke a chip out of the base. Pea gravel and very soft to walk on. Guess that is why one or two wanted more base on it. Couldn't believe how easy it chiped though. No matter, it's only wood and they say it grows on trees.