Here's the proof
Cherry box approx 4" tall x 3" wide
Finish is Mylands Friction Polish for now
Jimmy Clewes himself was very complimentary of this one. He made a pass or two with a "roughing out" gouge to mate the lid and body. So I can call this a Clewes box, right?
Hey Rev, NICE box. Did you take a class or hands on with Jimmy. He's a great guy. By the way, was there a woman named Denise there. She had a box very much like this one at our club meetiong Saturday. She didn't mention Jimmy though.
Yes, Keith. Denise turned a very nice ambrosia maple bowl. The other woman was from your alls club too. A blond lady that was really nice. Anyway, Denise most likely turned her box on Thursday. She should have mentioned Jimmy. Everytime he opened up a new concept to her she was huggin' on Jimmy like ... well let's just say that she was hugging on him a lot. You should be seeing a lot of improvement in her turning. 8-)
Beautiful little box Rev, you did well and the finish piece shows it. It seems like you had a great class with Jimmy, hope to see more of your lidded box's in the future... nicely done! Wizzy