This is a pair of cotton wood bowls. The smaller bowl was cored out of the larger one using Richard Steuss' Bowl Saw. Proceedure is to turn the outside of the blank, reverse, cut a deep groove into the inside of the bowl, insert the saw into the groove and rotate the saw blade into center. Pretty quick the core pops out and you have 2 blanks. Smaller is roughly 3" x 3/4". I sanded through the bottom and inserted a piece of olive. Came out pretty nice. The larger is about 5.5" x 3". Both are finished with 2 coats of Seal-A-Cell and several coats of Arm-A-Seal. As usual, the cotton wood had nothing going for it before the finish was on it. After the finish, well, you be the judge.
Nice job on both Rev and a great "save". I've not turned Cottonwood but have heard it can be troublesome. Did you have any troubles with it, other than the bottom not being where it was supposed to be? Also, how did the bowl saw work out? I've seen a few threads mentioning it with not very complimentary comments and would like to hear some first hand "I used it" comments...Bill...
Bill, as you can see I have used it. I'll refer you to the "Bowl Saw" thread that I'm about to start. That's the better place for this discussion. Thanks for the compliments on the bowls. The plug in the small one was my oversight, not the fault of the tool. I simply blew it, again. Was determined to have this pair to show and talk about though. Worked out nicely. 8-)