This is a nice little piece I turned a while back. Missed getting a picture posted of it. Wife fell in love with it right away. Measures 4" across by 2" tall. Finish is Seal-A-Cell and buffed. The final wax feels so good in the hand. Hope the customer likes it as much as LOML does. One of the few "small" bowls she likes. Questions and comments welcome.
Ken that is so true. Had she refused to let it go I would have found something else to send to CA.
Rick, yes, I do buff the inside of the bowls but not with the wheels. I have purchased the 2" and 4" buffs that I do the inside of all my pieces with. The wheels really have a hard time getting inside most pieces. In fact, when I've thrown pieces in the buffing process it is normally when I've been trying to get some of the inside buffed with the wheels. So I just use the buffs now.
Thank you everyone for all the great comments. The customer seems to be really happy that it is coming to him. I just hope he likes it as well in hand as he does the picture. This could be the start of a collector. And it all came from a web store. Who'd a thunk it? 8-)