This is a 7x4 bowl of cabinet grade plywood. I cut 7 pieces of identical size and alternated the face grain of each piece as I glued them up. No reason to, I just did. Glue was yellow carpenter's glue, Titebond II to be exact. Wore out my old Sorby 1/2" bowl gouge and had to replace it, but I was looking to do that soon anyway. Finish is water based lacquer and sanding sealer.
I have considered doing this Doug. How many times did you have to sharpen while you were turning this? The few times I have turned plywood, never as a bowl like this, I found it to be very dulling of the tools and splintery. We need to find you some wood man!!! Plywood is not a substitute for wood for turning....LOL!
Mike, this was a project that I had been wanting to do for a long time. As far as sharpening, I think I ground off nearly an inch from my old 1/2" gouge. That was a good thing though, I was wanting a new gouge. That old one was getting pretty short and I just couldn't justify getting a new one until the old one was worn out. When I got done doing about 95% of the turning, I couldn't tighten down the vari-grind on the flat of the flute. That was when I purchased the TX style Sorby gouge that I love so much. Don't think I'll do many more of these, but it was a fun project at the time. 8)