My first box is from a block of walnut that was sanded to 320 and run thru the Beal Buffing wheels. The more I look at it, the more picky I become about all the little defec. . I mean "character attributes". But, I MADE A BOX and it's going around the world!!!
Thanks for all the great feedback everyone! At first, I thought I would lose the bark inclusion during rounding. Turns out (no pun intended)I had the opposite problem. It went so deep I almost couldn't fit a flange; hence, the lid-side flange as opposed to the standard box-side. All in all I'm very proud of it and can't wait to make more! Though the next few may not have bark inclusions (it was a thumpin bugger to sand )
Chris, it's a pedastal styled foot. No egg cup (this time).