Heres my box, a little undersize but I dont think anyone will mind (I hope!!) Marblewood with a ipe finial and not quite a "pop" fit....more like a "paww"
ebudg, you happen to get a stank pieces of cypress. Not all cypress smells like that. Many times we will be milling cypress and come across a stinkin board. Dunno what causes it but it sure does smell like the north end of a south bound moose!
Jeff, the grain match is the point that I had to take 3 looks at this to see the join even though I was pretty sure where it would be! The detail on the finial is great. Excellent work.
Ok, I gotta ask. Where is the join line. I can see the pores in the wood but I'm just guessing that the join is in the cove. That's some amazing wood and finish.