"How do you make sure that it is a tight fit with the 2 diff. parts? I think that could be tricky....Any tips?"
The body of the call is drilled to 3/4". the stopper is drilled to 1/2". When you are turning the stopper, you turn a tennon on each end. On the body end of the stopper the tennon is turned down to the gage that is included in the turning kit. It is a flat piece of steal that is shaped like "F". You might end up with a tennon that is too tight. I use my dremel with a sanding barrel on it to sand out the body of the call so that it will fit. This fit does not need to be real tight because I'm going to glue it in. As long and you don't get it plum sloppy your glue will hold it.
The end with the expansion tube is the one that is the trouble for me. I will usually get my calipers close by comparing tghem to the tube. Once the stopper is turned I will test fit. If the tennon is still too large, I'll scrape off a bit and re-test. Once I get a pretty good fit I adjust my calipers to this dimension and leave them alone until I'm through turning stoppers for that session. Again, we not talking rocket science precision here. The glue will hold with a little bit of slack. You want the tube to go onto the tennon easily but not sloppy.
How's that for a brief answer to your simple question.
That's a nice looking call Rev. I've never seen a kit with the accordian tube to blow it. Is that your own doing?
To fit the stopper to the main body I turn the main body first. Then when turning the stopper I turn it with the end that goes into the body towards the tailstock. When I get close to size I unscrew the knurled nut on the mandrel and slide the body on until I get just the right fit. I've found that once you get pretty close it's best to cut it with sandpaper for the final fit.
The black tube is on the exhaust end. It extends to help "tune" the call.
What you describe is the perscribed method. Until I spoke with ICALLTOOMUCH today, I had not thought that being able to take it apart was very important. So, once I get it close by using my gage, I'm done turning it and will make it fit by sanding the inside of the body with the dremel tool. Works great. 8)