The top of this is really attractive so I'm wondering if it might be worth doing a similar detail at the bottom of next one to define the bottom. Maybe the material the piece is sitting on makes it kinda flow into the surface and if it were on a hard surface the bottom would be better defined. If you wanted a clean, sharp edge at the bottom that's exactly what you got because your tool work is superb. Whichever, it's a lovely article and should make someone very happy.
Edit: I've changed my mind again after another look. The proportions suggest a section of tree trunk and that works really well. I am going to try this myself and add a detail at the bottom before final dimensions so that I can cut it off if it doesn't work. It's more curiosity now.
The curve on top works beautifully. Solid design. I'd like to see something on the bottom also. Anyway, very nice piece and keep up the good work!!
Don L.