Pretty cool SkyJ, I like the egg shape and the fingers that cradle it. Yet another cool design in this challenge! Taking a guess, I'm going to say Cherry and spalted Myrtle?
I forgot, he told me wha it was made of, Cherry, spalted Pecan, Ipe rim and Cherry lid. It is gorgeous bvut after seeing his work at his home I am not surprised, the guy has talent!!
Thanks guys!!.
Junior's piece is made from the same log of spalted pecan!! We didnt plan it either. Juniors piece was in a package I sent him quite awhile ago with an assortment of wood. I just happen to pull out a box of scrap wood and saw the small piece of pecan and said " That will make a nice box"!!
dude, i actually forgot where i got hte pecan from... I knew i got it in the mail, but i have ordered alot of wood, and gotten a couple of free loads also!! you sure make it look pretty!!!