Here's mine, realized after all is said and done that I missed on the diameter a bit, oh well, any wider and it would have looked funny.
6" tall x 2 1/2" diameter. Top down: Bloodwood, Aromatic Cedar, Bloodwood, Padauk. Finished with Hut Crystal Coat. The bloodwood didn't get to a high shine for some reason and the cedar soaked up 3 coats of finish and still has it's own scent!
As usual, your boxes are beyond compare as far as form is concerned, however that being said, I am not so sure about the choice of woods. Maybe if the bloodwood had not had a problem taking a shine or maybe if the entire base and the finial were the same but IMHO it seems off. I would however still take it in a heartbeat if I was trading with you.
Thanks guys. I agree a bit Phil, it could have blended better if the darn Bloodwood would have taken a shine.Padauk and Bloodwood usually work easily together as their color is very close, but who would have known one would polish better than the other in this case...
Shoot the whole thing with lacquer. That ought to do it. Don't understand the bloodwood not taking the finish any better than that. Just goes to show that you never know. Nice piece though. Just curious though, why not use your usual friction finish? 8)
That's what I am thinking Rev, I have a recess on the bottom of the foot so I very well could chuck the whole thing back up to spray it. I did use the usual friction polish, that's what's so amazing! :|