All I did was turn the bottom as usuall,but the fun part was drilling the top,I had to hold it in my hand and run it up on the bit in a lathe chuck,I polished the bottom up to 12000 micro mesh,then a light coat of carnuba wax.The top was again hand held and buffed with white diamond,then waxed.It was something different that I some where and thought I would give it a shot,Do you think it worked for me ? Mike I used the slimline.
Very unique and yet simply beautiful. I have not yet had the opportunity to work with antler. I hear it is a little tricky. You nailed it! Is the tip acrylic?
Stephen.the tip is acrylic.Its really fun to turn,cept when you start gettin into the center,sometimes you need to stablelize it with CA.or it can go poof real quick