I've already spoken to all three, just great. But I do have 1 question for you. Did you bleach the maple or is this the actual color of the wood? It is beautiful. 8^)
@ Stephen, Thanks. This tree was removed from a local golf course. I happpended to be at the dump site when they brought it in. I got 3 pieces about 18 inches in diameter between 36 and 40 inches long. I have 20 platters and bowls rough out. I have another 6 vases to finish.
@ Doug, Thanks again. No bleach, just roughed the blanks and finished turning about 3 weeks later. That is the actual color of the wood.
BTW, I bought 175 board feet of 4/4 lumber that looks just as good for $1.00/bd ft/ last week.
I like this sharp shouldered vase. the striking ambrosia beetle coloration against the very unusual clean white background makes for a very comntemporary look. Very clean and striking vase