These were turned from the same log. The one on the left was turned endgrain and the one on the right was turned facegrain. I like the one on the right better, both the form and the spalting look better to me.
Finish is DO and WOP, then Bealle buffed and Ren wax.
I love the spalting that birch provides. One of the few trees I have where I live that is suitable for turning is birch (paper) Unfortunately, due to pollution, our birch trees are dying. (canary in the coal mine trees)they are not getting to any good size anymore as they die before they get going.
I agree, the one on the right has it all...
All the birch I've run into has been too rotted to turn. I don't see as much red river birch around as I remember as a kid. Most is being replaced with cottonwood or Russian olive.
Live long, love lots, and turn fast.
Very nice pieces. I like them both. We get into ruts and turn things the same direction most of the time. A change indirection is a good thing from time to time. You've done just that and done it well. Very nice work. 8^)