My teacher gave me a piece of this lovely flame box elder. I cut it in half, to make two small boxes. This is the one I made today. The remainder is waiting for my husband to turn.
It's a simple shape, but I focused on clean cuts and finishing, and now I can't seem to put it down. It feels great in my hands.
Don't worry about simplicity. Sometimes that is the best thing. This one will be more approachable to non turners than the boxes with those fancy finials we turners love.
I love the colors. All of the box elder I've come across has been smaller branches that are blond all the way through.
Live long, love lots, and turn fast.
Hi Carrie..thanks for posting this pretty box. Simplicity may be one of the hardest things for turners to achieve. Can't hide errors in good form and flowing curves! Nicely done!
Very nice, Carrie. Nice wood, nice shape, nice finish. The reason you like to hold it is because of the shape and finish. A good sign that others will like it too. 8^)
very nice form, I like it too. Remember to keep it out of the sunlight, the colours in box elder fade over time eventually, but direct sunlight makes them fade faster.