This hollow form is turned from a piece of pear with a walnut collar. It was hollowed with the new Easy Wood hollowing tool for the Easy Tool contest. I was so amazed at how well it worked for me. As best I could tell there had been around 12 pieces hollowed out with it and still the cutter had not been turned. I was pretty amazed at how fast I had to stop to empty out the shavings.
4" wide x 2 1/2" tall
Finish is Velvit oil which will be buffed.
Questions, Comments, and Critiques are always welcome.
It was a fun contest and the tool worked well for me too. I used it on four pieces. Some green and some dry. All different woods that I've used my Sorby tool on so I could see the difference. I liked the hollower and the small neck allowing me to use smaller openings.
Live long, love lots, and turn fast.
Nice piece. Question. Since I haven't really got into hollows yet, is the collar done so that you have a bigger opening to work with in the main piece?
Greg Plank
I appreciate all the comments. Yes the tool is a blast to work with. Greg, the answer to your question is exactly what you stated. The opening was larger than I wanted it to be. So I closed it up with a collar of walnut that ended up with an opening of 3/8". It also keeps probing fingers out of the piece. 8^)