After SHMBO saw the bracelet box article in the new American Woodturner, it seemed that bracelets are now in demand. Made a few the past couple of days.
Clockwise from the top: Cherry, two Walnuts, Oak with charred finish, and plain Oak.
They were a big hit and are going into Xmas shipments.
The insides aren't perfect, there's some mismatch. I mounted the blank with a screw chuck, then shaped the outside and half of the 2 1/2" hole (based on a bracelet that my wife supplied). Then flipped and mounted with expanding chuck jaws. Now's the hard part - I used the same calipers to mark the same inside diameter. Some are pretty close, some had to be flipped and remounted again. Of course, you've got the rotating chuck jaws to avoid each time. I'm not sure that a jam chuck might be better, as you can cut into it a bit if needed.
That's the way I did it too until I made a dowell/spindle fixture and glued various grits of sandpaper to it. You thread the bangle on the spindle, crank it up and go through the grits.