This piece was sitting on my shelf for over one year, as a winged bowl, but being the knuckle-racker that those are, I decided those type of bowls just weren't for me, so I removed the wings and turned this piece. It's Black Poplar measuring 7 3/4" in diameter X 3 3/4" high. I must say, I'm quite proud of how it turned (pardon the punn) out!
Hi Rev! I'm still around, but so busy right now with the summer of new stuff...My wife got a new job back to the city, and I'm trying to get my cupboards painted (been over a year already). I'm only a little over 1/2 done...sigh!! But I'm still turning and hoping for a new and bigger shop in our new home which should be sometime in the near future.
If you want to view some of my woodturning videos, you can go to my Youtube Channel here