A bowl from a green plum tree that was in my neighbor's yard where I grew up. They cut it down a few months ago (after I stepped in about 100 plums over the years).
Plum is wonderful wood. I've turned some old, semi rotted plum that looks fantastic. I'd love to turn some green plum too but I can't bring myself to cutting down a tree that I'm still enjoying the fruit from.
Sometimes letting them warp makes the pieces more interesting. I love to both turn to final green and let it go wild and turn blanks, dry, and finish symmetrical. They all have their place.
Live long, love lots, and turn fast.
Looks very nice.
Every piece of plum I have turned has cracked and split on me, even though I love to turn it and think it is beautiful wood, mainly because of the colors.
Good luck on yours it is really beautiful.