I loose long thin tools in the sawdust in my shop. My hands getting old too and I drop slick things. So to treat myself I got my brain in gear for a new obsession .. 12flats per row,offset in brick pattern to decorate a tall box. All my rifflers, files, etc. now have a home. If you comment, know in advance I appreciate it and any feedback..thanks Mahogany 7x3 inches
HA that's SUPER SQUIRREL GIRL to you!! I made a jig that fits over my jet1642. Basically it holds the router TDC and a slot let it slide E-W across the turning.(acroos not length) I indexed using the jet index...I used a 1/2 router bit and slid the jig 1/2 inch per "row" Ta da and Bob's your uncle..now after doing all that, the jig NEEDS REDESIGNING..it was a pain, but it did do what I envisioned...took patience tho!
I love the design and wince at the thought of all the hand sanding! SUPER work, I am seeing lots of novel work today! some good thinking in the jig too.