A few days ago I posted what I call "negative space design"..I did not do the concept justice. I want the viewers to see WHAT IS NOT THERE, vs. what is left. Is this like the Emporer's New Clothes??? HA
Once again Outstanding Michelle!!! You should really do a How-to being a Grandmaster of these now. P.S. I wonder how many M&M's you could fit in all of those grooves? Minus the Red ones of course! I really would like to learn more on these.
Hi David. Ahhh Grand Master, I like the sound of that! Here's two ideas for you..New Masters of Woodturning book has a great chapter with Mr Weissflog & another with harvey fein..Secondly a fella named Degoose over on Lumberjocks saw my pieces and is going to try to reproduce (steal!!!)them on his new imported from Australia overhead router with a table..cost 5,000.00...you might want to keep an eye on him. Think overhead router and then someway to control the wood. It can be done on many machines..including an ornamental lathe..10,000.00 or way more. As I told Don L..I am still teaching myself how to do it, and I'm a poor student!! HA!! Plus who wants to hear me cuss when it flies apart? Will consider it down the road..I have too many things on my little itty bitty mind to make right now..I'm old & want to get them done!!!!
Talk about having a unique style. You work is as far out as the super squirrel. And old?? I’m the geriatric jerk at 70 turning in a style more appropriate to a 20’s something. Keep it up and lets never finish, as that will be the best way to go.
David: Lightening struck and I have a real cheapie idea: Get yourself a plunge router. put on a 3/4 inch piece of ply...suspend it over a lazy susanon posts high enough ..(you would have to get a tad fancy with dowels to pin the L.susan & techy stuff..spin the L. Susan & Bob's your uncle. You could make a piece like mine. Cost, not too much. Now go forth and multiply my idea...or skip the lazy S and put a nail up thru a sheet of ply..get router directly over it..put little holes on the centers of your choice on your board to be decorated. Plunge your router & turn your board. All simple ideas any one can do.
Well after going to bed I had about 800 ideas on how to do this with regular shop tools. One could do it all with a table saw..all on a router table..all on a lathe, or any combo thereof...also who says they have to be round? they could be square..rectangular etc...get your thinking caps on....
You are all welcome..I got the idea from 'ol Hans..I interpreted it and found a way to make them without so much breakage..but they are primitive next to his work..his is delicate & elegant..I am changing some stuff and have lots of ideas. You folks give 'er a try and lets see what we can make. Don, you will love the book. So many talented artists..ideas will just take your brain & spin it...enjoy