We have had nothing but rain for 2 months. My gardens are dying and it's gonna be slim pickins at the dinner table next winter. I decided that I needed to appease the sun god and request some sun. I hope my new adventures in woodturning (negative space designing) might just impress the heck out of the sun god...so here it is
sorry about no details..11" diam (one piece) cherry..a tad of bubinga, a smidge of stailized material and a poly finish for outdoors..it's going on a post in the garden
Alas, alack..it only worked for 2 days. This morning we had 4inches of rain fall in just a few hours..My land is underwater, and I will need a boat to get my mail. The power just came back on! I guess the sun god hated my work. Boo Hiss Maybe the oil gods would appreciate something. gods are so hard for humans to figure out. Maybe they hated my wood choice? I s the design backward? Ah well, I will try something else. (like paddling???)