Another save by the “Weird Artsman” (after 70 years I kind of like that name guys and gal) Willow 2.25” x 7”. This thin turning had a bit of a bark inclusion that fell out while sanding (the hole). I kind of liked the shape and after looking at it on and off for about a week decided to embellish it like a golf course. Of course it then needed a golf ball, which was a pain to embellish and paint. The finish was several very light wipings of green artisan dye and blending into the grain pattern then about 5 coats of home brew wipe on poly and beal buffed.
More great work, weird and full of inspiration and ideas for us with less imagination/ especially me. Lovely piece !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ruining lots of good wood to get a few average bits.
What can I say, some people just have talent! Others (like me), have to develop it. I like this piece very much! Very original idea
If you want to view some of my woodturning videos, you can go to my Youtube Channel here