started this one about a year ago, but had a change of heart midway through. the top and bottom are compound miters. however, after it was glued up, i thought the top was too plain, so after many months of staring at it, i added the the poplar with the cherry rays to make it really stand out. cherry and poplar, 9in.x9in. 157 pieces
I think the cherry rays did just what you wanted..made it more interesting..your diamonds are well crafted..will you let us know how this fairs over time? Sometimes rules seem to be able to be ignored and it still works out. (grain orientation) Maybe the rules need changing? Thanks for sharing
thanks everyone.
like i said, i started this piece a year ago, and the diamond ring was the first part i made. i had the entire piece glued up and rough turned within a week(with the original top, minus the rays)and it sat in my garage for a year with no movement at all. my shop is not cimate controlled, so it went through alot of temp. changes. also it is about a half inch wall thickness, so i am pretty confident it's not going anywhere. (knock on wood)