This is a piece of elm I turned from green, dried by boiling then microwave to finish. It is about 9" wide by 3" tall. Finished with a couple coats of walnut oil.
I was starting to not like this wood but this piece is changing my mind. I like the colors and grain. Funny thing is this one worked out very well. The opposite side of the log has been a pain. The tenon tore off, it split, filled the split with epoxy and coffee grounds, it split again, and the warped too much to finish sanding on the lathe.
It just goes to show you. Some work and some don't.
Thanks. I like this one a lot. The smell of the roasted walnut oil is just enough to hide the nasty smell of the elm. The contrast in the grain and colors also "speak" to me.
Live long, love lots, and turn fast.