It seems an age since I last posted anything (apologies) I have not been finishing a lot recently and seem to have a host of unfinished unloved projects floating around my head and workshop. This I finished today Its made from Lime and is 120x100mm I sprayed it first and then pierced and textured it.
this is one of those pieces that I would really like to see in person. Looks like you've done a great job. A nice turning, good finish, and the piercing wood looks good too. Very nice piece of work.
Great piece. I have also been stuck lately Maybe..just maybe this will get me going again. By the way, is there any info on how piercing is accomplished? Type of bits, etc?
With regard to equipment I have been testing some machines that are used for nail polishing by beauticians (odd but true) this was created using one of them Its a korean machine available from shesto (google it) there are two the NW1000 and NC 3000 both good machines I use Klien Burrs the krause type also available from Shesto