Very nice Frank, how do you come up with a design like this ??????
Sometimes they just come to me. More often than not I take a piece of wood and try to visualize what shape would work best with the grain/figure and utilize as much of the wood as possible. If I have an idea of what I want to make - vase, bowl, box, ornament, marble stand, whatever - then I Google images of similar items until I see some that strike my fancy. I usually print off the best - to my eye - images and then play around with them and pencil and paper until I come up with a design I like. Sometimes I'm just cruisin' through images and have an aha! moment when I think, "Gee, something like that would look good in wood." Then I quick make a sketch or print off a picture before I forget.
And sometimes I'm working with a piece of wood and just get lucky.