This is my second segmented attempt from scraps around the shop, and it served as my first practice with hollowing tools as well. It is 4 inches tall and 3.5 at it's widest. The opening is 2.5 and the bottom about .85 inches. Wall thickness is 1/8 until the bottom where it gets to about 1/4 at dead center. The top and bottom are red oak, the white is spalted laural oak from a branch from the front yard and then walnut and paduk. The proportions aren't quite right but it was fun. Chris, you said make it look like an egg:)
Hey Ned, you're on your way there! Here's a couple of comments on the form...hope you don't mind. The curve between the walnut, laurel oak and the padauk is great. Nice gently rounding curve. The thing that catches my eye is where the red oak meets up with the rest. It looks like the red oak was turned separately because the curve changes drastically at those 2 points. Something to try for next time would be to draw out a template by hand on cardstock or something and then cut it out to use as a form finder. Turn the vessel until the template fits and you're all set. In fact, my first 2 hollow forms were done this way. I found some forms I found pleasing, imported them into a photo editting software and used the tools to draw the outline of the form. I then worked on getting my forms to look and fit the template. By doing this you train your eye to see the curve as it's being created. If you try to create, view, correct, repeat, it will take longer to turn what you want and usually a part of the curve will be slightly off especially when you get to large pieces where the curve is 12-14" long. Also, take time to step back, literally a few feet from the piece from time to time. If it's on a faceplate or chuck, take the whole assembly off the lathe and see if the form "stands-up" when it's upright. Sometimes it's harder to see when it's horizontal.
The egg shape is my favorite. Great second try, keep it up!
Thanks for the comments, and I do see what you mean about the break in the curve. I knew it just didn't look quite right, but couldn't put my finger on it. Thanks, I will work on that.