5 1/2" diameter, 3 1/2" high with wipe-on poly finish.
I used a carver's V-gouge to incise two lines below the rim, following the grain line, then filled between the lines with a red Sharpie marker.
Just a small flat spot for the foot, signed with an electric engraver.
I had trouble getting a nice surface on the inside with the scraper, and can't find my 2" velcro sanding pad for the drill (time to clean up the shop!) so there are some tool marks on the inside--not too bad, though.
I really like what you have here. The addition of the red to the box elder, especially for those of us who know what is supposed to be there, adds so much. Looks like you had a bit of spalting starting. I'm assuming that you've got a barkless natural edge there. The addition of the red there is perfect as well. Lovely piece of wood. Nice tool work. Good job Ken. Your trading partner is going to be very happy.
Great shape on the form Ken. The red for the natural edge is an ineteresting idea. The band following the rim is something that could be explored with many options like Bud's metal leafing, that would look cool too.
I have never seen or held box elder, so am looking forward to it. There does look to be some spalting as well. Rev, What is "supposed to be there" I am ignorant to the ways of box elder. The idea of following the grain with the gouge is a good one, lends a natural, integrated look to the band.
Ned, box elder can develope a red spalt similar to the bluing that buckeye gets. On large pieces you can find paint brush shaped streaks running through pale yellow wood, it's a cool effect. I have a photo of a salad bowl with this in my album.
Nice bowl, looks in the picture as if its a bowl in a bowl, it makes you look closly, does it look the same in the hand? a lot of delecate work here, attention to detail.