I like this. How long did it take to do this please? I imagine it takes an eternity and that puts me off because I tend to wander from project to project but seldom back to any one if I find it's taking me a long time to complete. It's not so much laziness or lack of patience as the impact of sitting for long periods on my health.
Edit: My wife has just seen this and she thinks it is beautiful because "it has lovely movement and a very organic look". I showed her some other pieces in a similar style and she thought they were beautiful but preferred your free-flowing look to a symmetrical style.
Great piece. I think I agree with Mrs. Bre. I like the randomness of the piece. One question for you though, what was the thickness of the walls before the carving started? 8-)
Thanks guys I like it too. Brendan, it took a lot of time and lots of sanding. Rev, one of the hardest things for me to remember is to leave a piece thick enough to have room for the carving. I'm used to going for thin, now I have to make a conscious decision to leave it thick. This is about 1/4" at the top down to about 1/2" at the bottom.