Terry, you've done another great job. A great reminder of what bowl turning is really all about. Simple elegance. Smooth lines and a great finish. Great work. 8-)
Thanks Wizzy and Doug although I am not Terry I am Tom but I will take the complement just the same. This was very hard to finish. I used the Ci0 to turn it and then a very slow power sand and then some buffing before the first coat of Deft and buffing between each coat.
I just realized that I never came back and apologized for the use of the wrong name. Sorry about that Tom. Is your finish still holding up? Are there any signs of the finish failing on you?
Doug at this point no problems to be seen. But it has only been about a month and a half on the wood. A sister bowl larger that I used Mylands on totally failed so I have to find a way to fix it.