This is 30 yr old firewood I was given by a friend. I spent a lot of time on the finish because the guy who is getting it just loves the texture of the wood when it is really smooth. I was quite pleased in the end to get this because it was hard work and the wood turned out to be quite attractive. 5" x 2.25" I had real trouble getting the rim smooth so had to stop and leave a small part slightly rough or I would have ended up with a plate.
Sometimes a little bit of wax on those spots that don't want to sand out will make all the difference. Apply the wax, let it sit a few minutes, and start sanding again. It will clog your sand paper, but you'll find your rough spot disappearing pretty quickly too. 8-)
Rev Doug, I used your wax trick on the foot of the bowl where it joins the wall and it worked great. Unfortunately I had the piece off the lathe before I saw the small bit of roughness on the rim - it's hardly noticeable but you know what we're like.