2 1/2" x 10" 1/8" thick. Finished with walnut oil. Turned to be used. This one came apart too. Planned on having a salad bowl, but, wound up with a fruit bowl. Don't know why this one came apart. Everything looked good. No cracks, checks, or the like. Was making a final shearing cut when a piece about 3" wide and 6" long came flying at me. Didn't have a catch. It took me a minute to realize that it was part of the bowl that smacked me upside the helmut. Oh well, at least it wasn't a total loss.
Thanks guys. It always makes me feel good when people tell me they like the form. With all the texturing, burning, dyeing, and painting going I think some forget that the form should be foremost. Don't get me wrong, I'm starting to dye and burn and texture myself, but, as Raffan says, down the road after the wood darkens and everything else fades, all thats left is the shape.