8 in. Tall by 8 1/2 in. wide. Natural Danish oil. Wood was very punky. Decided to go with a basic form. Since the grain had a marble look, I left it a little thicker than normally would to give it a stone look and feel. You comments and critiques are welcome.
I like this. I also like the fact that it has a bit of weight to it. I tend to leave bowls with a bit of weight to them because those are the ones that people seem to prefer. I have watched people lift bowls and they almost unconsciously weigh the bowl before they feel the surface. When I have offered people the pick of the bowls I have finished they tend to take the heavier ones unless a lighter bowl has good markings.
Great job. You have a real treasure in the wood. the curve that you have from the bottom to about 2/3's of the height is great. Then you reverse the curve back out. That reverse is too sharp to my eye. LOML said it looked pregnant. I'm not so sure about that, but I do feel like if you had continued the curve and made it a bit more closed, then you would have a really nice piece. You can't do it now, but you might want to try it with the next one. 8-)
Thanks all for the comments. I appreciate them a lot.
Rev - I see what your are saying about the curve at the top. Next time I will definitely follow your advice. PS. Tell the wife, I appreciate her feed back as well. The angle you refer to at the top probable give the impression she expressed.:-)