This piece started out with a Box elder top with lotsa flames............sumpin didnt fit or look I went inside and looked thru old finished bowls I had lying around and found one that looked......better than what I had planned. It happened to be the diameter I needed. So the Magnolia top was canabilized from a previously finished piece.........the Box elder piece is being used for a new piece................coming soon
This piece is 16" x 7"
What a classic piece. This is truly beautiful. If I thought I could afford it I would offer to buy it right now. I truly love it. I think you did the right thing by dumping the Box Elder. Would have been too much for this piece. 8-)
I freely admit that I am not much for segmented turnings but this one caught my eye. Very nicely done and I agree with what all the others have said. Keep it up.
This is one of those pieces that goes straight into my favorite photo's file. Each element compliments the others, and the form is spot on. What kind of rig do you cut your staves on?
I use a table saw sled..............kinda hard to explain exactly, but bevel is set, angles are set with stop blocks, one side cut then fliped to other side of board and sled, against another stop block and cut. Thjis probably doesnt help much