This is the first bowl I turned out of the cherry burl haul
This bowl is around 7 1/2" in dia. and was turned from the the burl setting on top of the larger burls in the left side of the other photo. It is turned side grain since the trunk was so rotten. The burl was dry enough to turn down and sand the next week. I have two coats of sanding sealer on it so far. I will let it dry another month before I finsh it.
Pretty piece of wood! You did a great job turning the sphere too. I can never get that form right. They always end up more egg shaped than ball-like. Impressive work you have done. Any tips for turning a sphere?..Bill..
as i stated before, gonna be some beautiful pieces from them burls. i too, am interested in how to keep round, round and not oval.
David Hamann [papadave]
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Thanks everyone, The sphere shape turned out pretty good. I started the bowl end grain and roughed it to a round shape and then cut the trunk off both ends and turned it flat grain so that the holes would be in the side of the bowl in place of the bottom. I thank this made it easier to get the spere shape better.
Thanks again,