Five more of the Desk Magnifiers headed out to NYC in the morning. Sales have really increased with these babies and especially the Antique handheld style. Woods clockwise from top left are: Black Walnut, Flame Box Elder, Cocobolo, Ambooyna Burl, and Koa in the middle. All sanded to 400, micromeshed with all 9 grits to 12000, 2 coats Mylands Friction Polish, and Renaissance Waxed/Buffed.
I like them Leo I just got two of these type of magnifiers at and estate sale had to give 50 cents each . These seem to be made to slide on the map or what ever are yours also, your look like the turned piece mount from the top rather than the bottom. can i see a pic of the bottom of them mine are going to wife's grandmother and my mother