This is my first Pedestal. The piece is made from maple burl and claro walnut. It is about 9" tall and 3 3/4" in diameter. Your critique would be greatly appreciated.
Very, very nice, I love it and the different woods go well together and the pedestal to me is perfect!!! Outstanding form, beautiful color, and excellent finish!!! Wizzy
I sure don't see anything I'd change. This might be a case where a bit thinner walls would be an an asset...make it look a bit lighter and more dainty...but I doubt I would have wanted to risk that beautiful piece of wood and sweet form by taking it much thinner.
Wonderful turning. If I had to make a change, I think I would go with Vaughn's thinking. Maybe just a tad thinner wall thickness. But that is just nit picking. Overall a winner.
Nice, doesn't seem to be enough. very good work all around. love the form and the change in wood from top to bottom is flawless almost as if it is one piece of wood and not two. WOW!!!
ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS. On the downside, I think I quit! I could NEVER reach this calibre of turning expertise. Just did do a wonderful job on this!
If you want to view some of my woodturning videos, you can go to my Youtube Channel here
Thanks everyone. I thought about thinner walls but didn't want to get the inside too Bert, you could do this easily. I have only been turning for 1 year and if I can do it you could too!!! Now being as good as Gary Ljostad......that's a goal worth setting!
Ken, I have to agree. A bit thinner, at least in the lip, but that is just nit-picking. I commented under your poll, but I'll say here where we can see the base, I think I would go ahead and change it. You might give coffee/CA a shot first though. It is amazing how nicely coffee fills in walnut. May be just the ticket for making this the absolutely wonderful gallery piece we're all after. 8-)
well that's depressing...only turning a year? and I've been at it ...hmmmmm....... seven years!? ....Ok you're right KenVonk....I SHOULD quit!!!!! lol or should I say boo hoo hoo.
If you want to view some of my woodturning videos, you can go to my Youtube Channel here