This is my first attempt at making a lidded box. The box was turned from silver maple and this wood was wet so I use poly urethane coats to seal and prevent cracking etc. The body is completely hollowed out and the walls pretty thin.when turning the lid I was pleasantly pleased the lid popped shut perfectly the first time and the wet wood since drying only shrank a tiny bit and it still fits good. Mit_ch
You are fortunate indeed. Don't be surprised though if it gets to the point that the lid will not come off. No matter. It is a nice looking piece. You did a great job with it. 8-)
Rev Doug
Thank you, as the lid tightens I will trim a little at a time and keep it waxed after trimming.Eventually the lid not being very thick will dry and my being an eternal optimist think it will be fine.I need to keep it drying on the inside and outside equally at the same rate of time.
#2 Tue August 12, 2008 8:55pm
I trust you won't mind my saying that the width of the base is a bit small to my taste. The piece is very well turned & finished but it looks as if it'll fall over any min. I like a firm foundation.
No I don't mind at all that you think the bottom looks too small, in fact that is exactly the kind of comments I want to receive. I like it the way it is but I need to know what other turners think. I generally make the base too large so on this I made it smaller and to be truthful I like it both ways. BTW, this has been sitting among my turnings for quite a while now and has never tipped over one time. Thanks for the truthful reply.I noticed that new posting of yours, the budvase, I turned one almost exactly the same after seeing it on U Tube. Mitch