I don't know, but something's missing in this one! I guess maybe some different curves or maybe even a burn mark. Must have been hard to turn that at 8 inches high.
If you want to view some of my woodturning videos, you can go to my Youtube Channel here https://www.youtube.com/@Bertminator/videos
Hi Bert; I think I agree with you and was hoping to get some suggestions for next time. I'm not sure if is the shape or maybe it is just to tall. I had to use the bowl rest and take light cuts to keep it in the chuck when turning.
Not a thing missing. It's called simple elegance. No need for burn lines or anything else. We tend to get used to complicated lines and embellishments. When a crisp, clean line comes along our eye tries to tell us we need more. Keep looking at it from time to time. Another day or two you'll wonder why you kept trying to add more to it. 8-)
I am NOT at the calibre of Revdoug or many of the others here, that's only MY comments. Doesn't mean it's ugly by any means. I've done plain turnings myself,and others on this forum weren't as critical as I was. That's what makes this a GREAT forum. I think perhaps what's missing to my eyes, is to see a bit of the top opening, in the photo. I think that would perhaps change my perception of this work. Also a planer background (without all the other stuff)might help
If you want to view some of my woodturning videos, you can go to my Youtube Channel here https://www.youtube.com/@Bertminator/videos
Bert; honest critiques don't bother me at all. I was asking for all perspectives. I appreciate the comment from you as well as the others. My photograpy probably was not much help.