Finley got the new camera and resizer to work? Not a good pic. but it is a start with the new canon camera. My frist ALABASTER Bowl is 5 & 3/4" wide and
3 & 3/4" High it has A 3/8" Purpleheart foot. It has many fissures in it, Started to crack a little so I stop thinning the walls at 1/2".
ALL comments welcome.
BD, just realized you are in Richmond. We are practically neighbors....:-). I started to say that I liked the bowl, but it seemed a little thick for me, but then read your description and understand why. The color of the Alabaster and the purple heart blend well together and the bowl illuminates the light even at 1/2 in thick. I like the shape as well. One of these days I'm going brave the dust and give this a try.
I wish I could have gotting it thinner, but I sure would have hated to lose this one. With the time and money spent. I would like to have something out of it. There is a lot of dust in doing these, you will need a respirator when doing this!
Roundwood, you O.K. down there in the Norfolf area? We gust got a lot of rain and wind in Richmond. I hear that Va. had 5 or 6 Tornados in the southeast part of the state!
BD - Thanks for asking. There were multiple Tornatoes in our area Monday afternoon. We are ok, but others not so lucky. It demoloshed a strip mall about 10 miles from me and stacked cars on top of each other. Wife and I were glued to the TV and watching radar. It looked like we were going to get hit but at the last minute it veered east about 5 miles from us and demoloshed a small villiage. No deaths but a lot of injury and destruction. We are very thankful to have been spared.
Very nice. What's Alabaster? is it a type of soft stone? I never saw that stuff around any wood stores. I don't know it's properties, but I would have maybe tried to turn it thinner, so it would almost look more see-through.
If you want to view some of my woodturning videos, you can go to my Youtube Channel here
good looking start, so will you do more? did you enjoy turning it? and yes the dust is a killer. Good to see others getting their feet wet with turning stone.
THanks Larry, and YES! and YES! Was fun till the cracks started at the fissures. Waiting on the new tool to get here before the next one. Just ordered the Ci1 this past week.