This is the box Rev won in the last raffle, I finished it last night after I got back from FL. It is Kingwood, sanded to 600 & finished with 3 coats of friction polish. I forgot to measure it before I left for work, so I'll get that info tonight. It's approx. 3" tall x 1 3/4" dia.
Another VERY nice piece to add to the collection. I can't wait for it to get here. Thank you Chris for the site, all your hard work, and the opportunity to help with the site through my small donations. This piece was totally unexpected, but I will enjoy it for many years to come. I am indeed blessed to be a part of this fine site. 8)
That is some box Chris. The "sunburst" which spans the top and body came out perfectly. Beautiful shape and proportion. And what a finish. I have never made one that shape. Hope you don't mind if I copy. Kingwood? Is that an exotic? Congratulations! And congrats to Rev Doug!
Box arrived today. Folks, yes, the pictures look very nice, but you ought to see it in real time. Absolutly beautiful. All surfaces, inside and out, are flawless. The grain matches up wonderfully. Finish is supurb.
Thanks Chris for making this piece available. It will be chairished for years to come. I know you said that it was friction polish. Would you mind sharing with us what brand/method you use to apply it? 8)
You're welcome Rev, I'm glad you like's my method:
Sand to somewhere between 600-1000. Apply a liberal amount of FP on a paper towel and hand rub it onto the piece (lathe off) Let the piece sit and soak for about 20 seconds and then turn the lathe on, at about 1000 rpm. Start at one end and apply a dry paper towel to the spinning piece, hold it still until it feels really warm (bunch it up so as not to friction burn your fingers) once the towel get warm/hot, run it with a steady motion along the piece. You will see it go from dull to shiny before your eyes. Apply as many coats as you like, I find 2-3 works well. On boxes, do not do more than one coat on the tenon/lip join area, the build up will affect your fit. I use the standard Woodturners Polish from Craft Supplies, item number 949-8000