Most of the elm I find around home is chinese elm. This is something different, elm but I don't know what variety. Has some wild color to it though. 12" x 2.5", danish oil finish.
It couldn't be American elm could it? "They" keep finding a bit here and there, usually tucked deep in the middle of some untouched woods. I'm still hoping they'll find the answer to the "dutch elm disease" problem so that we can have this wonderful wood back again. You bowl looks great and the wood is wonderful. Love the contrast between sap and heart woods. 8-)
I love the shape of this bowl and the wood is beautiful, the difference between the colors is what sets this one off, you did an excellent job making it and it turned out great.Wizzy
Thanks you guys. If you look at the lower left portion of this bowl you can see a dark line that is some ring shake in the wood. I was roughing the bowl when I came across that and figured it would probably just split anyway so I kept going and turned it green to finished. Just in the two days it's been sitting in the house it has warped enough that it rocks. In a week or so it will probably look like a potato chip
#4 Sun November 25, 2007 3:24am
I turn most of my pieces green, Curt. I like to see what wierd & wonderful shapes will appear. I'm not too happy when they crack but... It's my kinda bowl.