This was made from some FREE Red Wood fresh cut. It has been sanded but no finish applied. It is 1/4 inch thick. It is 3.5 inches high and 6 inches wide at the widest part. It is my first end grain natural edge attempt.
I finally figured this resize thing out. This is the bowl I tried to upload the first time. I anxiously await your feedback. I'm new and still trying to figure all this out. I had trouble visualizing how the edge would work until I put it on the lathe and started turning it. I like the effect and would like to do a larger on. Have a nice cut on one finger from not staying away from the rotating edge. :-)
Post a bigger photo for better details next time. But from what I can see, it turned out really well and the forum is pretty cool too. Nicely done for your 1st NE bowl!!!Wizzy
Hadn't thought of doing an endgrain natural edge, but I am now. Really nice job and the outcome presents an interesting shape (in any case, but certainly top view). Please do submit a larger picture as per Wizzy's comment. Congrats!
One notch larger will give us a good view of what you've done. From what I can see though you've done a nice job. Glad to see you jumping in and sharing with us. 8-)