Good mushrooms Negeltu; have you ever attempted a lidded mushroom box? I have been thinking about trying to make one. Really like that Yew wood, beautiful color, cannot find it in this part of the USA (as far as I know).
They range in size from 1" to 10" tall. The big ones I haven't photographed yet... Will get 0ne up of the big ones soon. The tallest in this photo is 5".
I turn about 10 to 15 a day. I have lots and lots of small branches that are perfect for these types of things. They do not take long to make at all. Cut a section of branch...chuck it up or put it between centers and have a go.
I plan on trying a lidded mushroom box soon. It's been in my mind for awhile.
They are really nice to put around the house. I recommend everyone try them. They can be a good stress reliever...believe it or not.