I'm assuming blue, green, and black. Great finish on this piece, as usual. The base looks perfect to me. Just a great piece. I would imagine folks would debate what the material is until they hold it. Very nice work indeed. 8)
Bruce, another really nice piece. I agree with Doug's comments wholeheartedly. Question: Do you use aniline dye? If not, which? How do you apply it in order to get that sort of coloration? I hope that you don't find these inquiries too indescrete...
Hi Jim,
Yes these are water based aniline dyes. Powder mixed according to the directions on the packet. I apply using paper towels, and mostly dab or wipe on. Sometimes I'll allow a drip for effect. If they are kept damp, the colors blend very well--sometimes too well. Just experiment and see what works.
Finish is pretty simple. For these poplar pieces, about 6-8 coats of Minwax wipe on poly, sanding between coats as necessary with 600 grit. I then sometimes put on a coat of conservator's wax, but usually photograph before I do.