So I went with the smallest foot I could. Crabapple, about 3x3, turned green, soaked with Danish for a couple days, warped and distorted real nice. Beautiful figure in the wood,inside and out. Got two more bigger pieces drying after an alcohol bath. Can't wait to see what they bring.
Thanks, guys, for all the input!
that is great i like
it realy does look like it is floating
great form
it just shows you how good the forum is, give them anything and they will sort it out
well done rick
This picture is darker on my monitor at work than I really like. I can hardly see the base. If I can get a better shot, I'll repost (again). Rev, hope you remembered to send that paper, looks like I could use it.
Did you alcohol soak the unturned chunk, or a rough turned piece? It looks like the Plum wood I have, and cannot turn because it cracks while turning. I too like the smaller foot, but then it is your choice to make it any way you like.
Gil, this little piece was turned green to about 1/8" and it was developing little cracks on the rim by the time I got to the bottom! You could almost hear it go 'tic.....tic....'. When I got it off the lathe, I wiped on Deft danish oil till is was soaked, and repeated the soaking every hour till bedtime. Same next day, until it looked okay. I did use some CA on the inclusion seen on the right during turning. The other two pieces were roughed, then soaked (at least 2 hours), wrapped and are still drying. No cracks so far, but I've been afraid to look real close!
Thanks Rick,
My luck with Crabapple has been Fair. Only made two from it so far (in my gallery), and both were turned from wet wood. The cup neither cracked nor warped, the weed pot (which my Mom has) developed one small crack in the base. Both were completed in one short session. My Plum cracks as I turn it , and yes I can HEAR it snap-cracking as it turns. I thought of soaking a full chunk of un turned Crabapple in alcohol for a week, trying it.
I haven't turned much Apple but of the pieces I've turned they all develope cracks. If anyone figures a way to stop thye cracking let me know. Nice piece by the way. I like how it has warped a little.
Keith from the reading I've done, the best results with fruitwood have come with the boiling method. I haven't tried it, I don't get much fruitwood. I'm going to unwrap the crabapple I alcohol soaked 10 days ago and see how they look. Will report back.