Although I didn't join in the first challenge, I did do a piece where I tried to follow the rules. This would have been at 4" had I not destroyed the neck and rim that were once there. You can see where I burned in a pattern using a '5 in 1' woodburning tool. I was so displeased with the results I tried to cover it up with prismacolor markers. So, two new techniques. I learned a lot about burning, and next time I'll use a real burning tool.
Rick, I like the shape and what you were attempting. I wonder if a hotter tip and going over the design multiple times rather than once might make a better line? The idea was to learn and stretch ourselves. Join us for this one and see where it takes you.
Rick, I too learned that burning requires a good woodburner that gets nice an hot. The "collage" series I did a bit back was done with the Razortip system and it works really well. The trick is to get the flow of your hand timed right with the heat of the tip so the lines are consistent. If the tip is not red hot, you'll need to slow down to get a stronger line. If the tip is really/too hot, you need to speed up the feed rate to avoid overburn.