Classy piece. Good fundamental tool work, and the finish looks very good. From what I can see of it, you've done something that it takes a lot of turners a long time to do, create a clean inner transition where the walls meet the bottom. It's fairy straight sided, which some like some don't.
I sell a tremendous number of straight sided bowls as dinner ware. 5" or so, in sets of 8.
If you are shooting for that great, you are on the right track, if you want to progress your exploration of forms, get a length of bead chain, tape the two ends, put it on a piece of cardboard and play with it. See what appeals to you.
Again, clean work, nice line, and what looks to be uniform walls. Good job.
Thanks to both I am working on a bowel now that I hope will have a different shape not so straight sided. With this one I did most of my work with a bowel gouge and to make the transition at the bottom a parting tool as I had nothing else that would work. Also finished the sides and interior with a left hand scraper. I am not sure what you mean about the chain guess I can't visualize that just yet. I am going to join a wood workers club here and they have a couple of turners that I think do some great work. Hope they can help me as well.