6 x 8 american elm textured and hand fluted hollow form. I recently attended a 3 day workshop at Trent Bosch's workshop in Colorado. One of my goals was to "find my own voice". I have never attempted any sort of carving so this is a new technique for me. The fluted bottom has a hammered texture. The top sapwood portion is smooth and provides additional contrast to the darker color of the textured flutes.
A friend of mine that does photography was checking out your site. He wanted to know if you do your own or have it done professionally. He was impressed. So am I, but I'm more impressed by the turnings.
I do take my own photos. I hate doing it. I hate it almost as much as updating my website (that is why it hasnt been updated for 6 months or so). I dont put alot of effort into the pictures. They are taken with a 4.0 megapixel Kodak camera. I stick them inside a small photo "tent", shine one halogen light through the roof, snap the picture and away we go.